
Unless you fly, Macau Peninsula will most likely be the first area you step foot on when you arrive in the territory. Macau's main ferry terminal, the Macau International Ferry Terminal Terminal Maritimo and the main land crossing with mainland China, the Portas do Cerco Frontier Checkpoint as well as the Inner Harbour Ferry Terminal are all located on the peninsular. Please see the main Macau page for information on how to get to Macau.

Macau Peninsula is linked with Taipa Island to the south by three bridges - Sai Van Bridge, Governador Nobre de Carvalho or Macau-Taipa Bridge, and the Friendship Bridge Ponte de Amizade. Taipa is linked to Coloane by the Taipa-Coloane Causeway, the main artery of the newly reclaimed Cotai area.

Please see the Taipa, Colane and Cotai page for bus routes linking the Peninsula with those districts.